Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Housewife life confessionals

Well, my son is napping, so I decided to get up a little blog here. I am starting to hear a little stirring, so just like everything in life as a Mom, I have to work quickly. Today was bathroom cleaning day. Just like every housewife out there knows, some days are just not any fun to look forward to. Some people hate doing laundry, some women hate cooking, or mopping. I HATE bathroom cleaning day. In my opinion, why would anyone enjoy it? Yuck. Just yuck. But that is okay. I have set up a little system for myself. I get down on my knees and I pray, I mean war pray over those bathrooms! Heehee. Not really. I do reward myself however. Most days I try to accomodate my husbands tastes and cook what he likes. Even if it is not extravagant (and trust me, it very rarely is. Momma don't got time for that!), I try to please him. However, on bathroom cleaning day...I cook what I like :). So, today I put lemon pepper pork chops in the crock pot, and when he comes home, I will just look at him as helpless as I can and declare, "I had to clean the bathrooms. I needed a pick me up." Ha. I also try to plan a fun outing. Today I plan on going out to explore decor, and get some ideas for fall. I also want to go look at some fun craft ideas that my son and I can do for the end of summer, and early fall. I wish I could post pics, like a little haul of everything I find, but I am still learning how to use blogger, so it will be some time before I get all fancy. Don't give up on me just yet. I'll get there someday! Have a blessed day and remember to look up! May the God hope fill you with all sorts of blessings today!


  1. Excited that you've started a blog. Look forward to reading :D

    1. Thanks Kristen! I am excited too. I am overwhelmed with blogging and how it all works right now, but I am excited to connect with others!

  2. Love the fun motivation to keep going with the not-so-fun tasks! :)
