Tuesday, September 6, 2016

What Hope Really Means

Ever since I shared a small portion of my journey with anxiety/depression last week, God has not let up on my heart regarding my story. I felt inclined to share more of my personal story from 3 years ago, and personal it really is. 

The level of depression that my anxiety had caused me to go in, was about as high as it could have reached. I could barely get out of bed most days, and sleeping at night was also a struggle. I felt as though I had reached rock bottom. I truly believe I did. And yet, the Spirit of God was still very present with me, and when I had "moments of clarity" where I could finally relax, the Lord spoke powerful things to me. Each of the promises, and words He gave to me are so precious, but one specific time stands above the rest! It is so powerful, I feel it needs to be shared. 

I remember beginning to wake up one morning as my husband was getting ready for work, to an audible voice whispering, "tikvah." I woke up fully and heard it once more, and this time louder...each time in my right ear. When I say it was audible, I mean I asked my husband if he heard it, but he didn't. Being a believer, I knew that what I was hearing was probably the Holy Spirit, and so after my hubby left for work, I pulled out my phone and began looking up this word and searching its meaning. Having no idea what it meant, or how to spell it, it took me a while before I finally came across it. 

Tikvah is a Hebrew word, and this is what it means: hope. It is pronounced (teek-VAH). 
Strongs dictionary describes it as a cord, expectation, hope. 

What is hope to us? It is an expectation of things not yet seen, but believed. But, in the Hebrew language, tikvah (hope) takes it a step beyond just expectation to...a cord. Believe it or not, but this is very true. I remember my Mom sharing with me that in the Hebrew language hope is portrayed as a cord, but I never knew the Hebrew word until that morning 3 years ago in my darkest season. 

God gave me an audible word to hold onto that day...in His mind it was a literal cry out to me to grab hold of hope, (tikvah) an unbreakable cord that would in time lift me to the healing Jesus was waiting to give me, and in many ways, He still is giving me.

I will never forget that morning. I will never forget the beautiful sound of the Lord's voice whispering that amazing word, or the power it holds. Today it is my desire to offer that same truth to others out there who are struggling. God offers each of us that same cord. Hope is more than just an imagination, or a blind desire. Hope in its purest, and truest form is an actual cord, woven by the very hands of a loving God who wants to reach you. I encourage you to grab onto this cord and never let go. The hope that comes from God is faithful in delivering the very promises He makes, for He is indeed Jehova- Jireh (our provider) (Genesis 22:14)). He is our ever present help in time of need.

Hosea 11:4
"I led them with CORDS of human kindness, with ties of love..."

Now check out Hebrews 6:19 and lets put tikvah in the place of the word hope, and watch what happens. This verse comes alive in a new way!
"We have this TIKVAH (cord) as an anchor for the soul firm, and secure..."

And again...
Psalm 146:5
"Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose TIKVAH (hope, cord) is in the LORD their God."

I am linking up today with Holley Gerth #CoffeeForYourHeart
I am also linking with hollybarrett.org


  1. How amazing of the Lord to speak such a beautiful word to you, at just the right time! Thank you for sharing these encouraging thoughts today!

    1. :) God's love is wonderful!!! I savor every truth He speaks to His people.

  2. What a blessing God gave you that day. He always knows the perfect thing to say. I'm thankful God has brought you out of that dark time and into the light that hope offers. Linking with you at Holley Gerth's.

    1. Yes! He is incredible, and I am amazed that He sees what we go through as no surprise to Him. He just offers us peace, and more of Himself.
